Dayami Solar
2 min readMay 8, 2024

When The Past Resurfaces

Listen for the healing…

Recently a close friend of the family transitioned. The family hosted a funeral for close friends and family. To my surprise, I bumped into a high school friend whom I was very close with. We shared the awkwardness of being teenagers whilst trying to fit in amongst the many different groups of fellow awkward teenagers. During our high school experiences, we had a falling out due to teenage hormones and a lack of emotional maturity. We lost touch and never spoke again until recently. We made plans to meet up for breakfast and catch up, which we did. During our catching up I grabbed the opportunity presented to me by The Universe and apologized for my part of the disagreement. It was amusing to me that she had no recollection of the event but accepted my apology non the less.

After, I pondered on the synchronization of the Universe and on the entire orchestration to make that specific moment in time happen. I realized that it is part of this phase of my journey where I find myself trying to tie up loose ends. Closing cycles is never easy but if you intend to continue moving forward it is a step that can’t be overlooked. Confronting the past is the first step in stepping into the future. Staying present and following the Universal signs is our way of getting there.

So, if the past comes knocking don’t be afraid to listen. You will be amazed at the healing that you receive and at a brighter future ahead.

Thank you for stopping by and taking the time to read and share your thoughts and experiences with me. Sending you love and blessings.

Dayami Solar

A student of life and a teacher of myself. Spiritual awakening has opened the locked parts of myself that were just waiting for the light.