Happy Mother’s Day to all the Aunties out there!

Dayami Solar
1 min readMay 12, 2024


I See You…

Photo by freestocks on Unsplash

Ours is an underrated, under appreciated act of love. It goes unnoticed by our family, friends, loved ones and society. We love unconditionally fully in the understanding that our love will be taken for granted most of the time.

Being an aunt dives deep into helping in the rearing process of our much loved nieces and nephews but the benefits package is few and sometimes far between. So, to all my fellow aunties I want to say THANK YOU!

Thank you for the love you give so unassumingly. Thank you for the listening ear that you provided so unconditionally. Thank you for giving your all while expecting nothing at all. Thank you for being a safe harbor for your young ones to share without fear of judgment. Thank you for so much of yourselves.

I see you and I honor you. I love you all. HAPPY MOTHER’s DAY ❤️

Photo by micheile henderson on Unsplash



Dayami Solar

A student of life and a teacher of myself. Spiritual awakening has opened the locked parts of myself that were just waiting for the light.